The CORE team consists of 14 members who are practicing Catholics in good standing with the Catholic Church. These team members are registered members of their parish. They are committed to the building of the ACTS Community within their parish and to the ACTS CORE as a ministry. The CORE meets every month at God's Embrace Conference Center in High Hill Texas.
sPIRITUAL DIRECTORDeacon Doug Tromblee St. Roch - Mentz | FACILITATORRhea Wagner Sacred Heart - La Grange | CO-FACILITATORRJ Jaurnig St. Anthony - Columbus |
Finance CoordinatorRita Anders St. Michael - Weimar | SecretaryDebbie Klam Sts. Cyril & Methodius - Dubina | Music CoordinatorJosh Gertson St. Anthony - Columbus |
Communication CoordinatorLindsi Graham Sts. Peter & Paul - Frelsburg | Send-Off CoordinatorScott Matus St. Anthony - Columbus | Candlelight CoordinatorJenn Brown Sacred Heart - Flatonia |
Return Meal CoordinatorGladys Kutac St. Rose - Schulenburg | Supply/Trailer CoordinatorLarry Brown Sacred Heart - Flatonia | Supply/Trailer CO-CoordinatorStephen Muras Queen of the Holy Rosary - Hostyn |
Spiritual CoordinatorDeacon John McCourt Queen of the Holy Rosary - Hostyn | Teen liaisonAllison Machac St. Rose - Schulenburg | SPANISH RETREAT LIAISONChrissy Espinosa St. Anthony - Columbus |